Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Lone Ranger Rescue Mission!     
Forcing a dog to live outside 24/7 with little or no human companionship is one of the most psychological damaging things a human can do to a dog.  Current studies in dog psychology show that dogs isolated in backyards are highly likely to develop serious behavioral problems that often result in euthanasia for the animal.
 Captivity background:
My little friend, I call him Lone Ranger because his humans just call him “the dog”, has been penned in this concrete area 24/7 since Thanksgiving weekend. 
To date, February 28, that translates to 90 days of solitary confinement.  He sees brick walls and can peek under a 1-inch gate to see “the world”.
The humans bend over the pallet-made-fence to fill food and water bowls - when they do feed him.  On all basic requirements for any animal there is NO
·         petting – smacking him when he jumps up for attention
·         exercise - playing or walks
·         medical – dog got all wet during rainstorm and was sick – he didn’t eat for 3 days. He doesn’t use his dog-loo – it has never been cleaned so I imagine the atmosphere inside is not conducive for him to be inside. It reminds me of the California Turpin family - outside looks nice but inside it’s a filthy mess and neglect (of 13 kids) reigns.
·         love and attention
·         socialization – human found me sticking my hands underneath the 1-inch gate opening to pet the dog’s little face.  Human proceeded to let me know he could use the “f-word“ as a verb, adverb, noun, and adjective in every sentence he screamed at me.
The last bullet point confirmed abusive behavior was normal for the human and prompted me to talk to friends, the local shelter, and Humane Society about solutions

Your help needed for this rescue mission!
During the rant the human went into, I discovered he wants to get rid of the dog. I want to foster him, love him, train him, socialize him, get him the medical attention - veterinary charges, vaccinations & neutering - he needs, to expand his chances of finding a forever home.  The monetary goal will allow me to action the rescue and care of this smart, little dog while scouting a forever home.
I thank you so very much in advance for your support in this rescue mission and encourage you to share this link with friends, colleagues, and family.
"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. I will not refuse to do the something I can do."   Hellen Keller.





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